Genuine faith quote

What is Genuine Faith? This quote is inspired from the book of James. James was the half brother of Jesus and the devoted leader to the Jerusalem church after the disciples scattered. Blue Letter Bible says this about him;

”When he (James) did follow Jesus, he followed with great devotion. An early history of the church says that James was such a man of prayer that his knees had large and thick calluses, making them look like the knees of a camel. It also says that James was martyred in Jerusalem by being pushed from a high point of the temple. Yet the fall did not kill him, and on the ground he was beaten to death, even as he prayed for his attackers.”

When ever I want to be inspired to live out my faith… I turn to James. Whenever I need the challenge to put faith into action… I turn to this quote.

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photo by Joanna Klapperick



Prayer for a strong-willed child

When I was going through a parenting class 10 years ago, I heard Andy Stanley say, “later is longer” meaning disciplining your child in the first five years of life will pay off when you get to the teaching, coaching and even friendship stages in life.  I’ve never forgotten that phrase and use it in so many parts of my life.  I use it to encourage a friend at work, a marriage struggling, sports and of course parenting.  Especially parenting. And especially parenting our #4.

I even have a prayer that I often will read in the morning to remind and encourage.

Lord, in my weary, help me remember

Later is Longer.

The constant battle, the constant struggle,

the persistence needed, will be rewarded.

The constant diligence, the constant parenting,

a life of patience, will pay of tomorrow.

This moment is not easy,

this now is wearing,

Lord, keep pushing me forward,

hopeful in hardship,

because later is longer.

The now is temporary. A moment in passing.

Help me build for the long haul,

putting in the work,

the exhausting, numbing and weary work,

because our  life in the later awaits.

And I pray that the life that awaits is rewarded by the work that was put in now.

Help me see the strong-will as a gift that needs to be honored.

Yet one that needs to be honed in your love. In your will.

Lord help me in my now,

give me the strength to endure,

the actions to evolve

and the words to ensure.

Guide me in this journey in raising your own.

You’re beautifully, stubborn, strong willed yours.

A child who will learn to live a later with you.


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photo by Joanna Klapperick



Praying Isaiah 41:10

Pray this do not fear prayer based on Isaiah 41:10

Lord, help me to trust and not fear, resting in the promise that you are always near.  Even when I do not understand, help my faith to stand firm and not be shaken.  Trusting that while you may not give us the answer, you give us yourself.  Strengthening us, holding and helping us, promising us your righteousness, power, and care.
May we always remember your words to us here.  Amen.


Do not fear
For I am with you
Do not be dismayed
For I am your God
I will strengthen you
I will help you
I will hold you
With my righteous right hand
Isaiah 41:10

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photo by Joanna Klapperick



New Sweatshirts and Their Fit

We just launched our three new sweatshirts and it always helps to see the fit LIVE and not photographed.

And I’ll admit, I’m not the most entertaining but I get the job done :) You’ll see the fit, fabric, and verse we hope you are reminded of each day to draw closwer to the Lord.

“Let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth.” – 1 John 3:18

Don’t let evil conquer you, conquer evil by doing good. - Romans 12:21

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” - Genesis 50:20

A Christmas Prayer

Heavenly Father, In this Christmas season, remind us to make room for you. Help us to remember that you are the greatest gift. Use us to shine your light and to share your love, hope, joy and peace with the world around us. Amen

To us a child was born. 

Wonderful Counselor. Mighty God. Everlasting Father. Prince of Peace.

This gift of God incarnate, he came for you, and for me.


Born in a stable. Laid in a manger filled with hay. 

The anticipated Savior came in an unexpected way.


Make room. In your hurry. In your busy. In your mess.

He comes to humble places.


His invitation is your redemption. Your restoration. Your salvation.

He is hope, love, joy and peace.

His gift is light in a world of darkness. 


To us a child was born. Immanuel. God with us.

He came and he is coming again. 

Hallelujah. Amen.


Verses to explore:

  • Micah 7:7

  • Isaiah 9:6-7

  • John 1:14

  • Isaiah 7:14

  • Matthew 1:21

  • Zechariah 9:9

  • John 1:9

  • John 8:12

  • Colossians 1:19

  • Luke 1:78-79


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photo by Joanna Klapperick

